Lead the upgrading of key industries with urban renewal to create more high-quality space carriers

Updated: Sep 23,2021 10:39 AM english.sheitc.gov.cn

       On the afternoon of September 22nd, in order to accelerate industrial transformation and urban renewal, and fully stimulate the vitality of market players, Zhang Hongtao, Chief Engineer of Shanghai Municipal Working Committee of Economy and Informatization, led a team to Caohejing Development Zone to carry out special research. The team had field trips on the Science and Technology Oasis Project and the production plants of advanced semiconductor, French Liquefied Air and other enterprises. Theyalso held the launch meeting of urban renewal research in key industrial development. Leaders of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning, Land and Resources, Commercial Commission of Xuhui District, Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, Golden Bridge Inc., Kefang Group, and Shanghai Jindiweixin Industrial Co., Ltd were invited as experts at the meeting. 


       The experts at the meeting proposed that it is important to fully release ideas, seize the strategic opportunity window for the implementation of the urban renewal regulations, and create favorable conditions for the renewal of industrial space.It is necessary to establish a faulttolerance and error correction mechanism, give full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises, implement policies according to categories, and improve the interest compensation mechanism.What's more, it is quite important to use more open and inclusive policiesto encourage innovation at the grass-roots level and the market, let more market players participate in the achievements of urban renewal, and strive to emerge a number of high-quality industrial space carriers reflecting Shanghai's industrial innovation level during the 14th Five-year Plan period.

       Mr. Zhang learned more about the transformation and renewal plan of Caohejing Development Zone and thanked the experts for their valuable wisdom and suggestions. He called for conscientiously doing a good job in the research and preparation of the action plan for industrial urban renewal, achieving the "Three Combinations" of macro and micro, city and industry, form and function, and realizing the simultaneous development of urban spatial renewal and industrial quality as well asefficiency improvement.

       Comrades from Division of Industrial Parks and Structural Adjustment, Division of General Planning andShanghai Institute of Industry Transition and Development (SIIT) were present.