Industry dynamics of June 2024

Updated: Jun 30,2024 10:39 AM

 1The throughput of Shanghai's two major airports has accelerated its recovery, and the passenger and cargo throughput of flight takeoffs and landings has returned to the level of the same period in 2019

Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai's air transport market has entered a period of accelerated recovery. From January to May, Pudong and Hongqiao airports completed 329,000 flight takeoffs and landings, with a passenger throughput of 50.207 million passengers and a cargo and mail throughput of 1.662 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 27.1%, 49% and 15.4% respectively, all of which recovered to 100% or more of the same period in 2019. Shanghai's total air passenger throughput ranked first among cities in China.

The accessibility of Shanghai International Aviation Hub is continuously improving. Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai Airport has opened five new international passenger flight destinations, namely Athens, Greece, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Penang, Malaysia, Manama, Bahrain and Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. Five international passenger flight destinations have been resumed, namely St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok (Vladivostok), Brussels, Belgium and Takamatsu, Japan. In July, Shanghai Airport will further add two international passenger navigation points in Manchester, England and Marseille, France, and resume international routes to Brussels, Belgium. At present, Shanghai Airport regularly operates 281 passenger and cargo destinations in 48 countries.


2What is the "magic" of Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center? Let's visit the most AI industrial community in Shanghai

Artificial intelligence is one of the three leading industries that Shanghai strives to develop, which is also an important powerhouse for the development of new quality productive forces.

In September 2023, Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center, the innovative ecological community and artificial intelligence large model industry ecological cluster in Shanghai, was unveiled on the west bank of Xuhui. As the first generative AI professional incubation and acceleration carrier in China and the only in Shanghai, Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center has attracted nearly a hundred large model companies to settle in, gathering more than 200 upstream and downstream basic layer and application layer companies of the industrial chain, and has become the best window to observe the development of Shanghai's AI large model industry. So what is the "magic" of Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center?


Magic 1: Mass innovation


Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center is full of vitality and passion everywhere. Here, various industry forums, academic lectures, and technology salons emerge in an endless stream, with activities every day, highlights every week, and exciting events every month, providing a platform for innovative entrepreneurs, scholars, and technology enthusiasts in the AI industry to collide ideas and exchange experiences. First, Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center provides a series of professional and efficient services for enterprises to land, allowing enterprises to develop quickly in Shanghai. And second, Shanghai's academic atmosphere and business environment are in line with the needs of enterprises, creating excellent soil for the innovation and development of enterprises.


Magic 2: Resource gathering

"Going up and down the stairs see upstream and downstream." In a single building, there are companies in different links of an industrial chain such as large model underlying technology, application R&D, scenario design, computing power support, and product marketing. Among them, there are not only leading chain owners that develop basic large models, but also start-ups that promote the implementation of large model application scenarios, and professional institutions specializing in cutting-edge technologies for large models. More than just an office space, Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center is more like a vibrant social center. All kinds of innovative entities can interact at high frequency, communicate deeply and deepen docking in a physical space.

Large models require a large amount of computing resources when training and reasoning, which is inseparable from computing power support. In the industrial ecosystem created by Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center, there is one company that can help large model companies reduce computing power costs. According to Xia Lixue, Co-founder and CEO of Infinigence, enterprises can rely on the unique technology from Tsinghua University to integrate domestic diverse, heterogeneous and scattered computing power into a large, unified and easy-to-use infrastructure, and provide it to All model developers and users help better connect computing power and downstream scenarios.


Magic 3: Ecological agglomeration

According to Chen Haici, General Manager of Shanghai Large Model Ecological Development Co., Ltd., the operator of Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center, it is not a traditional industrial park, but an ecological community. There are not only the flow of people, the energetic faces of young people, but also rich supporting facilities such as commercial, residential and landscape, which are suitable for living and working. It is believed that the compound environment created by the mold speed space will provide a lot of help to stimulate people's innovation ability.

It is reported that since the opening of Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center, a total of 20,000 square meters in Phase I and II have been put into operation. In the future, Shanghai Foundation Model Innovation Center will continue to expand, and it is expected to create an industrial incubation space of 100,000 square meters.